Immigration: The Medical Pandemic in America

Immigration: The Medical Pandemic in America

By Franke Schein – February 4th 2015

Obamas Immigration Bomb

Obama’s immigration amnesty plan has devastated American schools with a plethora of communicable diseases. Measles, whopping cough, shingles, influenza, bacteriological viruses, and 48-hour bugs has been sweeping through school population like a run away train.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high fevers, and a host of other sicknesses are effecting schools around the country in record numbers. Yet the CDC remains quiet about this growing epidemic. Once again, our “trusted doctors” are toeing the political line to the rogue Obama regime, just like they did during the Ebola crisis.

The Obama administration and their lapdog CDC partners cannot be trusted to keep the public informed.

So You Think You’re A Survivalist?

Franke Schein In Alaska


At the age of eight years old I had made-up my mind that I wanted to be a Mountain Man.

By the time I was Ten, I had read nearly everything published about survival. At the tender age of 11; I ran away from home to chase those dreams…

Over the course of the next year, (I didn’t know it at the time) but I executed a Tactical Bug Out from the deadly swamps of Florida, along a route that took me through backwoods of Georgia and Tennessee. I eventually settled myself down in the Daniel Boone National Forest—Koomer Ridge Kentucky. I was twelve years old at the time.

Along the way I managed to elude a boatload of police, truant officers, and nefarious people that were out to either capture me, or hurt me. The world was a different place back then, but it was nonetheless as dangerous place for a skinny eleven year old kid. Sexual predators, druggies, modern-day slave traders, and a host of others roamed the streets and countryside looking to take advantage of children. Gangs of every description plied their violence wherever they could; and farmers were likely to “shoot first” when confronted with a “chicken Stealing” runaway kid.

I learned hard, and I learned real quick the ways and manners of becoming a young survivalist. I grew up in the woods, and later migrated to the streets of America’s biggest cities. Cities that offered food, shelter, and a new lifestyle. A life of running with the violent street gangs—most of whom were runaway’s themselves. They were the outcast that society didn’t talk about, and the media only mentioned when one of their dead body was found in some ditch or garbage dumpster.

Many of these runaway kids ended-up in “Snuff Films” that were widely circulated at the time. Some stranger would offer food, money, shelter, and friendship. Only to later drug the kid, and film them being sexually abused—and then murder them by slitting their throat on camera. Many young boys and girls lost their lives to these “snuffers” as they were called in those days.

But I never forgot my “survivalist country-boy” roots; as often I would grab my backpack and start walking out of the city to reacquaint myself with the forest dwellers. For months I would play in the woods; hunting, trapping, fishing, stealing grub where I could, and doing my very best to keep the law from capturing me.

Twice I was cornered and caught by Park Rangers and Police that were just a little smarter than I was. Twice they locked me up in a Juvenile Detention Center. A prison for little kids; a finishing school for young career criminals. Bellevue Kentucky along the Ohio river was a very bad place at the time. Louisville’s Juvenile Detention Center was the pits. Once the guards closed those steel doors at night; it was every kid for himself. You learned how to fight, how to quickly incapacitate, and how to be a Man at 14 years old. It was one of those “Do or Die!” experiences that came with the territory, and came with the time.

Each time that they locked me up—I would plan, and later execute my escape. Sometimes it took weeks or months, other times just a matter of days. Give me one single chance to “rabbit”—and then color me GONE. Twice I made my escape back into the forests of Kentucky and Tennessee. They never caught me again. I’d had enough of that crap to suit me the rest of my life.

Life in the woods was severe. The nights were cold, the hunger pangs omnipresent, the thought of being captured never out of my mind. When it rained I got wet. When it snowed I was cold. Bathing was done in the creek or ponds. Drinking water was boiled in an old tomato can. Wild edible plants were plentiful, but toilet paper was the Grand Prize. A steady diet of fish and greens will quickly convince you of this…

I stole what I could, when I could, and where I could. Nothing was safe around me. My first .22 rifle was acquired from a broke-down pickup truck on a rainy backwoods Kentucky dirt road. I learned how to shoot for meat, how to dry it out, and it helped to ease the constant hunger.

Fishing for catfish became a “hunger easing” passion. Bank lines, spear fishing, netting, and bow fishing were added to the survival skill-set. Snares and traps that I learned from reading the US Army Survival Manual kept me busy running the trap line. Some days would be good, others days were real bad. You took the bad with the good. There was no place to fall back to, and no choice but to put the left foot in front of the right.

Wild onions, potatoes, carrots, and a host of other veggies and fruits added to the (sometimes) daily meal. Supplemented with rabbit, squirrel, coon and possum; the meat helped to add protein to vitamin-deficient diet. The hides were used for many things—but mostly I traded them for cigarettes and .22 ammunition.

Other people lived out there in the forest. Most were criminals hiding out from the law, others were operating moonshine stills, or growing marijuana crops. All were dangerous people when surprised or confronted, but I learned how to barter with them; once that they understood that I was a run-away kid.

The “Bush Hippies” and “Back To Nature” crowd flooded the woods in the late 1970’s. They built earth-shelters houses, cute little cabins, and got themselves back to nature. But on the side they dealt in drugs, illegal guns, and often times formed their own little gangs. Gangs reminiscent of the Charles Manson’s “Helter Skelter” crowd. Being around these devil worshipping freaks brought another level of a dangerous element to the survival mix. A few people ended-up as human sacrifices to this crowd.

My home was a small earthen cave—a former bear den. I could barley stand up in it, but it was small, and easy to heat in the winter months. I learned how to keep the fires small, how to NOT draw attention to myself, and that no matter how nice that fire feels—I was still cold to the bones.

These days I look back onto those primitive days of my youth with resignation that I could have perished. But I am thankful that GOD allowed me to survive through those times, and grow into the Man that I have become today. I have been blessed in many ways; and I am humbled by the experiences.

I’ve watched some of the YouTube survival videos being posted out there. I have learned a few things here and there. It surprises me that there are so many people out there waning to live the life that I lived at a young age. Yet; I think that they don’t realize what they are wishing for. What Mother Nature has in store for them.

It’s pretty easy to fantasize about living off the land—but the stark reality isn’t as simple as what one would expect. The elements necessary to live off the land require more than gear and equipment. It requires skills and patience. It also requires a reality based survival plan—not the bullshit that I’ve seen on the internet.

Forget all that “Dual Survival” crap and come back to reality. Bear Gillis and Survivor Man have nothing in common with real survival. Their shows are teaching people to take unnecessary risks, and that it’s possible to live off the land anywhere. That’s why very few of their shows are done during the winter months. The few that I have watched, always end up with them “finding” what they need at “exactly” the right time. In real life it doesn’t work that way.

Here in Alaska—seven experienced mountain climbers have perished on Mount McKinley. These are the people that climb mountains for a living, and as a serious hobby. In some parts of Alaska, people walk out into the woods, and are never heard from again–EVER!

Executing a Bug Out should be the last thing on a survivalist’s mind. Bugging Out should be a last option when everything else fails. But then the real world of survivalism actually begins. Here’s what I think about bugging out:

  • You will not be alone out there.
  • Shooting a gun will get people’s attention that will do you harm.
  • Camp fires will give away your position.
  • Flashlights a night are signals to “Come Steal My Shtuff” cuz’ I’m stupid.
  • Food should replace battery operated gear.
  • Night Vision devices are a waste of time in the field.
  • Over-reliance on technology will get you in trouble, or dead.
  • You cannot live out of your Bug Out Bag forever.
  • If you have no Safe Area to bug-out towards—you are already a victim.
  • Wild edible plants are hard to find under three feet of snow.
  • You gotta’ sleep sometime, that’s when people like me “ghost” into your camp and take you stuff and life!

You Ain't Gonna' Be Alone Out There...

In a real survival situation, you have to understand that you will not be able to just head out into the woods and set-up a clandestine survival camp. The longer that you remain in one area, the more of the area’s resources you will use, and thus you will have to travel farther away from camp to get meat and veggies. That’s when you are most exposed, because your camp is a stationary area that will be easy to ambush. Never stay in one area more than 48-hours. Even then, you have to change sleeping areas several times, or set-up a decoy camp to draw the “bushwhackers’ into your own ambush site.

For those survival crisis that has you feeling government or UN troops—I got some real bad news for you: If you head into the woods you have already lost!

Make no mistake about it; the technology is on their side. They have all the cool toys and sophisticated weapons. Forward Looking Infrared Radar, Thermal Imaging, Satellite Movement Detection, Satellite Movement Tracking, Ambient Temperature Tracking, Chlorophyll Based Tracking Sensors, Sound Sensors, Movement Sensors, Heat & Light Sensors—most of these platforms are both airborne and space based devices. You will never even know that you are being watched and tracked. It would be better if you stayed in the cities and melted into the framework of what’s going on. When the Soviets invaded Poland in 1968, that’s what the Polish resistance did. They stayed hidden in plain sight, and caused the Russian Bear much grief.

If you think that you have what it takes to survive out there by yourself when being hunted by seasoned and experienced troops. Think Again! You have absolutely no chance against the military special forces, I don’t care what country their from. Rambo was a fictional Hollywood character—and you ain’t  him!

Your days will be filled with fright and fear. If you don’t believe that—then you have never been exposed to bullets screaming by your right ear. Your night will be cold because if you build a campfire to stay warm—you will probably never awaken.

And finally; for those off you that are heading out into the bush at the first signs of SHTF—what is your wife gonna’ say about that? Do you think that she’s gonna’ want to drag herself and the kids out into the cold dark countryside where Bad People with guns are waiting?  Better think about that little scenario, before you head off into your Bug Out Experience.

Like anything else that I have written; these are my own ideas, and the way that I work things out. They work for me, they might work for you—or not. It was written from the heart, and not to proclaim that anyone is doing things wrong, or that I’m right. It is what it is, and if you take exception to it—Tough Shit–Deal With It!


Franke Schein - Alaska Survivalist

The Rise Of The New Nazi Party

IRAN; The New Nazi Party

وتبقى تهدد إيران إسرائيل والغرب مع التدمير النووي. مؤخرا؛ الرايخ الرابع قد حذرت من أنها ستطلق الصواريخ إلى تركيا: صواريخ تستهدف الدرع الصاروخي لحلف الناتو – نشر درع لحماية أوروبا وإسرائيل بسبب الطموحات النووية لإيران، واحتمال أن إيران قد تشن على صاروخ لم يسبق لها مثيل برج في إسرائيل. إيران تهدد بضرب تركيا في حالة مهاجمة إسرائيل، الولايات المتحدة بعض القادة الأمريكيين قد اقترح علانية أن قوات العمليات الخاصة ينبغي نشر لإيران، ويتخذ هذا المخلوق الشر من الصورة. وأنا اتفق 100 ٪! وقد حصلت على هذا الرجل الواجب اتخاذها من مثل الكلاب المسعورة أنه. كل يوم وعلى شاشة التلفزيون بإسهاب نفس الخط من الكراهية – يوما بعد يوم؛ كان محتدما في التلفزيون الإيراني حث اتباعه مجنون على “القضاء على اليهود إيقاف خريطة” – خط ذو إسرائيل قلقا بعض الشيء. بقلق إلى درجة أنها لن يفاجئني عندما “سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي” قنابل على المحطات النووية يعود إلى العصر الحجري. تذكر؛ هذا هو زعيم بلد سوف إرم مواطنيها بالسجن لمدة خمس سنوات إذا كان لهم السفر إلى إسرائيل. نفس البلد التي تحدث حالة تعليق الشواذ جنسياً، ويقتل المتظاهرين سئموا حماقة هذا القرد. أنا متأكد من أن خلف الكواليس محمود أحمدي نجاد هو “لمس” نفسه على احتمال استخدام القنابل النووية على إسرائيل. إذا كنت تعتقد أن سعر البنزين مرتفع الآن؛ انتظر حتى يذهب الغرب إلى الحرب مع إمبراطورية الشر من إيران. البحرية الإيرانية قد تم تدريب لسنوات على إغلاق مضيق هرمز – حيث كروز 40 في المائة ناقلات النفط في العالم. إيران قد أمضى قدرا كبيرا من الوقت والجهد للتأكد بأن العالمين النفط توريد يتأثر. إيران تبني 3 غواصات أكثر للقوات البحرية اسأل نفسك سؤال بسيط: “لماذا بلد منتصف الشرقية إلى الغواصات”؟ ” لإغلاق المضيق، والدخول في نطاق إسرائيل القذائف – هذا هو السبب. دعونا لا ننسى أن إيران قد قتلت الأميركيين. أنها إحدى القوى الرئيسية خلال السنتين الأوليين من 9so في العراق دعا) حركة المقاومة. وكانت “القوات الخاصة الإيرانية” الواحد لمعظم المسؤولين عن هجمات حرب العصابات ضد الجنود الأمريكيين. وهي أيضا واحدة من المصدرين الرائدة في العالم للأسلحة النارية والمتفجرات والذخائر. حماس وحزب الله كانوا مسلحين مدججون بالسلاح بهذا البلد (النازية) المتعصبة التي هي مصممة على بدء حرب عالمية أخرى.

Iran keeps threatening Israel and the West with nuclear destruction.

Recently; The Fourth Reich has warned that it will launch missile into Turkey: Missiles aimed at NATO’S missile shield—a shield deployed to protect Europe and Israel because of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and the likelihood that Iran might launch an unprecedented missile barrage at Israel.

Iran threatens to hit Turkey if US, Israel attack

Some US leaders have publically suggested that special operations forces should be deployed to Iran, and take this evil creature out of the picture. I concur 100% !

This guy has got to be taken down like the rabid dog that he is. Every other day he’s on television spouting the same of line of hate—day after day; he rages on Iranian television urging his demented followers to “Wipe The Jews Off The Map”—a line that has Israel a little worried. Worried to the point that it wouldn’t surprise me when the Israeli Air Force bombs their nuclear plants back into the stone age.

Remember; this is the leader of a country that will toss its citizens in jail for five years if they travel to Israel. The same country that hangs homosexuals, and kills protesters that are fed up with this monkey’s crap.

I’m sure that behind the scene Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is “touching” himself at the prospect of using NUKES on Israel. If you think that the price of gasoline is high now; wait until The West goes to war with the evil empire of Iran.

The Iranian navy has been training for years on shutting down the Strait of Hormuz—where 40% of the world’s oil tankers cruise. Iran has spent considerable time and effort to insure that the worlds oil supply is affected.

Iran builds 3 more submarines for navy

Ask yourself a simple question: “Why would a mid-eastern country need submarines”?” To shut down the Strait, and to get into missile range of Israel—that’s why.

Let’s not forget that Iran has already killed Americans. They were one of the leading forces during the first two years of Iraq’s 9so called) resistance movement. Iranian Special Forces were the one’s most responsible for guerilla attacks against American soldiers.

They also are one of the world’s leading exporters of firearms, explosives, and munitions. Hamas and Hezbollah have been armed to the teeth by this fanatical (Nazi) country that is bent on starting another World War. 

Franke Schein


Casting Call: Survivalists Wanted

Casting Call For Survivalists

Casting Call For Survivalists

Major national television production is looking for Survivalists, Preppers, and individuals actively preparing for the 2012 End Of The World phenomenon. If chosen, you will be featured on a national syndicated television show that reaches millions of viewers.

If you are a survivalist; then this is your chance to help spread the message that emergency preparations
mean more than getting ready for 2012. It also means preparing for weather events, local and national crisis, as well as disasters that affect local economies.

Respond by sending email HERE:

( URL: )
Please include a brief bio, picture, and explain what you think may happen during the 2012 events, and what you are doing to get ready. This show will feature “A Day In The Life” kind of episode. It’s not about sensationalism–but rather about showing the true survivalists out there that are serious about survival planning.

Finding Old Friends

Finding Old Friends:

As we grow older in our lives and loose contact with our childhood friends and others; sometimes one of life’s greatest joys is to reconnect with those from our past. Sadly though, there are very few resources out there that will help us with this task.

Websites want your money, and sell you useless information. You can’t trust most of the “People Locators” that promise you everything under the stars for a measly $24.99 fee.

So I decided to try a new approach. The people below are the ones that I am trying to find. If you know them, know somebody that knows them, or happen across them; then by all means drop me a quick note. It would surely help to ease the burdens of my own search.

Marsha Uliano, (Plant City, Florida)

Marcia Uliano, (Plant City, Florida)

Jimmy Burgess, (Battle Creek, Michigan)

Jimmy Salter, (Battle Creek, Michigan)

April McClellan, (Franklin, North Carolina)

Robin Bennett, (Columbus, Ohio)

George Harrison, (Iowa)

Scott Milner, (Massachusetts)

George Harper III, (Chicago, Illinois)

Jannell Bradley, (London, Ohio)

Consciousness Awakened

Transversely upon this globe that we have named “home”- many people look upwards into the dark skies pondering upon the universal question; “What is my destiny in this life, why am I here in this place-now?”

One could spend several lifetimes enclosed within a meditative state seeking answers to these complex equations that have eluded us for so long. Answers, if offered, that will somehow provide us with the rationale for our existence, and perhaps even show us the path that our footsteps must follow.

One cannot hope to find those answers from outside of ourselves, for the harder one seeks those answers, it inexorably opens the doorways of our minds-filling it with even more questions. An overwhelming cycle that repeats itself throughout our solemn existence. Along the broad spectrum of life itself, we are already cognizant of the answers that we so desperately wish to hear. But our own philanthropies have clouded the answer to our life’s questions, because we were unwilling to recognize self-evident truths, even when they were clearly placed in front of us.

 This denial of reality has created within ourselves a subdivision of our own consciousness-a division perpetually and inexorably conflicting upon simple truths, that no matter who we are, or what our life philosophies necessitate; we are human beings that have been put upon this earth to perpetuate our own existence, and to propagate, through our children and their children, the lesson that we have learned along our own journey.

That is the cornerstone of life’s foundation, and one that cannot easily be bargained or theorized away. All of us, across the world-share the same hopes, dreams, and aspirations. We ask only the simple things from life; a chicken in the pot to appease our hunger, a roof over our heads to shelter us from the elements, and education for our children-more so than what we have accomplished.. This alone is the nexus of our daily struggles. A struggle that has ensued throughout time itself, and will eternally remain an integral part of each and everyone that follows us, when we are long gone.

We are not much different. Our lives move parallel along the journey of birth and death. It is only when we further cloud our existence with degenerate issues, that inherently our lives become ever more complex. Life is like an artist’s empty canvas, filling it with abstraction of pain and hurt-results in our lives taking on the pensiveness that darken the canvas upon which we paint. Since life is beautiful when filled without its harsh problematical issues-it becomes paramount that we fill our canvas with pleasing renditions that stimulate the soft caress of life upon our soul.

It is only when we come to terms with the simple reality that each of us are interrelated to each other by only six degrees of separation, that we can come to awareness of this astounding truth itself. Then, and only then can the unbiased mind begin to comprehend that battling each other becomes inconsequentiality unnecessary in the promulgation of life upon this earth.

Our ideologies and opinionated views-are simply a struggle within our own minds in identifying who we are. Compelling by force of will, others to identify with us, is yet another step that we undertake to mastermind our individual personal identification of self. It provides us with a reason to stand high upon the mountains of life, shouting angrily into the thunder filled skies-that we exist and are unique upon the globe. The reality is that each person upon this earth has their own special journey-our machinations represent nothing more that our own inner perplexities that have been painted with a colored dissatisfaction of others moving across the peripheral fringes of our life.

We cannot force dominance upon one another. Dominance requires submission, and to submit to be dominated is inherently against the elemental basis of life itself. It results in the proliferation of fear. Fear of reprisal, fear of reduced stature among our contemporaries and peers, and ultimately fears that our submission of dominance is resultant of our own weakness against perceived injustices.

Our leaders, those that are tasked with administrating our individual countries; are the ones most responsible for the dissonance and discontented plaguing humanity itself. Theirs is a world, built upon the foundations of governance that seeks to vanquish the very continuation of life amid the principles that they hold highest and closest to their chest-greed, personal power, and the omnipresent self-serving aspirations that have insulated them for the beauty of the world, and further isolated them from the self-evident truths of synchronization of thought and mind-from the rest of the world.

Domination of the their own countrymen’s minds, is paramount to their existence and continued survival. For without deviant supremacy, their world of convenient self-righteousness would quickly crumble under the weight of humanities denial of the fear that these pious loathing autocracies represent. Their own fears of inadequacy, oblige these despots to consign upon the globe the broadcast of their twisted ideologies.

The dogma contradicting the fundamental understanding that we are all brothers upon this globe, having arisen from the greatness of our creator, to arrive simultaneously herein, and to struggle with our inclinations uniquely identifying each of us as a member of mankind. Our reticent denial of these facts have poisoned many people with cynicism, and separated the populace of the world, pitting each against the other. We are, simply put, garish painted marionettes under the influence and manipulations of militaristic and political deceit.

As long as humanity consents to ascendancy of a dictatorial force of will, our lives will evermore be subjugated under their ethics and insatiable credo; consequentially giving rise to authoritarian influences altering the very shape of our inner consciousness itself.

Until we, as one people upon this planet agree to the principles of equality, tolerance, and peaceful resolution of our differences-our children and their children, will inherit the intricate division of our struggles to identify with each other, and to find peace within ourselves.




BY: Franke Schein

October, 23, 2011



I am glad to see that our troops are finally going home. It’s about time that America concluded the business of bringing democracy to that nation. Though I fully understand the necessities of waging this war, the costs for Americans has been extremely high. 


I wonder what will happen to the country after America departs. Will it revert back to the state of affairs that it’s former rulers had shaped, or will it get even worse considering the proximity of Iraq to other countries such as Iran.


I see nothing but trouble ahead for that particular region. It won’t be long before another Jihadist sect seizes power and becomes yet another enemy of the Western Nations. I suppose that our future will have us once again with American boots on those deserts.



I read with horror the words spoken by Karzai would back-up Pakistan in the event the US would take military actions against the leadership of Pakistan’s rogue military junta. Considering that it was the US State Department who brought this idiot into power; I find it detestable that he’s quickly forgotten which side his bread is buttered on.



After eight months of war, and billions of dollars spent by the US and other NATO nations, the despotic ruler Moammar Gadhafi finally faced the same fate as so many other tyrannical dictators have faced throughout history. A bullet to the braincase…


Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the interim commander of the NTC has declared that Libya would be ruled under the iron fist of Sharia Law. Well Hell’s-Bell’s–who didn’t see that one coming. Unless of course you are a politician trying to play both sides from the middle.


Gadhafi had it coming when he actively participated in the 1972 Munich Massacre, as well as all of the support that he sponsored throughout the years towards terrorist groups.  But the question to ask today; “Is the world better off with yet another Islamic country, whose political/religious doctrine advocates the harsh rule of pre-2011 Afghanistan?” Let’s not forget that Afghanistan Sharia Law was the most detestable and barbaric  form of governance on the face of the earth. Seconded only by North Korea’s totalitarian iron-fist rule.



Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: every time I turn on the news, or cruise the internet, there is the “blooming idiot” of Iran threatening America and Israel again. His crap is really getting old. My thoughts are that somebody needs to stuff a huge spoon of “American Made Peanut Butter” into his foul lying mouth–perhaps by the way of a Tomahawk cruise missile. I certainly don’t want to see America engaged in yet another mid-east war, but at some point this fool has got to be put down like a rabid dog.


Iran has been at the forefront of terrorist acts, they’ve sent special forces teams into Iraq to kill American troops, and they are actively seeking the destruction of Israel and the west through nuclear weapons. Geez–lets hire some locals and “OFF DA BASTARD” before he makes good on his evil plans.



What a freaking waste of energy!


They say that if you really want to know something about a company, or movement–just follow the money… Yep, The Money is Dirty!


When I hear words like: Collective, Division Of Wealth, Class Structure; and other like phrases–one single word comes to mind: Communist.


I fail to understand how destroying America’s financial system would make anything better for me, or anyone else that I know. Though I agree with some of the ideas that are being presented, using economic terrorism isn’t the way to accomplish that goal.


So I ask myself these very simple questions:

#1: If Wall Street went south–where would that leave America?


#2 How do I benefit from all of this?


#3 Who really benefits from all of this?


answer those three questions for yourself, and I think that perhaps you will understand how stupid these protests really are.


The problem can be further exacerbated by one single act of violence. Image what would happen if some nutcase decides to thrown one Molotov Cocktail at the police forces? Things will quickly get out of hand, and get real ugly in a hurry. Will American Law Enforcement fire real bullets at their countrymen?  Now that is the REAL QUESTION of the day…


A Message To Young Patriots

Greeting From A Fellow Patriot,

Throughout my existence, it has always been uppermost within the furthest reaches of my mind that certain civil liberties were endeavored to be trampled upon by seditionists within the fabric of Ameri-can society. A group of individuals and corporate entities that covertly sought to dismantle the foundation of all that this nation was built upon. To trample upon the sacred constitution that which laid waste and bare the lives of so many of our brethren, to wit the sacrifice of those that gave their everything and all—to a cause much greater than themselves.

From the Lexington Green to our present battles in the Mideast territories, patriots of America entered into harms way with unparallel thought of self; yet unselfishly giving all that they espouse upon their own declaration of freedom against imperial adventurism at the hand of totalitarians that seek to bring down this nation and its way of life.

Our lives have been untouched for over 200 years, insofar as would be categorized as internal strife and revolutionary acts of guerilla warfare. Yet, there exists within this great reclamation of our con-stitutional rights, a certain rogue ideology that further enumerates that warfare is required in order to secure and solidify the principals upon the United States Constitution. An exodus from the realties that brought Americans out from under the yoke and leash of British imperial servitude. A journey into the violence filled world of war within our own borders—Americans against Americans.

I submit that revolution is both a right, and a sacred duty to every American that resides within our borders. Consequently I submit that a revolution would change the face of America and it’s zealous political agenda—but at a steep cost that far exceeds what America’s forefathers could have envisioned during their struggles. I submit that our society, our world, and our country has evolved from those days of muskets and bayonet charges, into a militaristic society that embarks upon wholesale destruction of life without pause or regard for the long-term ramifications thereof. Our nation’s moth-ers have wept and despaired for far to long upon this revolutionary principal.

With utter dismay I have witnessed the obsessive nature of a giant beast arising from the snake pit in our nation’s capitol. A pit of vipers brandishing forked-tongues that deceive the populace with their charm and pompous polished ideologies. This awakening beast feeds upon it’s own unchecked growth, hoping to claim as it’s own, the very lives and souls of its countrymen. But absent from the moral-istic fiber that so intertwines the society of America. Instead, this beast reaches out with it’s many tentacles to wrap itself among the lives of those it swore to serve and protect, and failing to do so, em-barks upon a devious glorification of itself, and seeks to shield and insulated itself from the wrath of those that are cognizant of it’s miserable failings.

I have stood on the sidelines for a great portion of my adult life, watching across the vast horizons for a sign that would bring this epic struggle onto my doorway. At times I would learn or recognize that certain events could be the precursor of that which many so feared, and others desired. The second revolution that topples the pretentious undermining vermin working against America’s founding prin-cipals.

I hear the rumblings of discontent from all walks of life, from nearly every sector, and all speak the same language of distain and malice against the beast arisen. Even then, there are many within, that actively seek to justify a war by weakening the beast through a persisted attack against the system so despised by so many. A war that they claim is both justified and victory capable within our grasp—that we must be the propagators that fire the first angry shot—thereby creating the perfect conditions conducive to further propagation that ushers in a second revolutionary war.

My friends and patriots—that is not the way, at the present time. Do not clamor for war—for the price might very well be your own children and kin’s blood that you offer. Say nothing of your own blood and lives; for a blood debt will be owed by all that tread too quickly and foolishly into this foray. Now is not the time for revolutionary acts that pit each against the other. The time for that must not be on our hands, nor will it be upon our blood. Leave that blood debt to the cronies of the beast—let them taste their own blood first.

A new war must be undertaken—a new methodology that battles from within the beast usurper. We must tear off the mask of anonymity from those hide from our wrath and piety. No more can these petty administrators be allowed to seek or hold elected positions within our political machine. They must be purged as a bad rash must be purged from an infants derriere. These socialist insects must be identified and brought into the light of public opinion—then banished from public servitude forever. America needs not another war, for we have always been at war throughout our history, as our cemeteries will so attest. We must first fight this coming battle with our political weapons—our combined and unified voices that thunder and echo across the plains of America.

Voices that shake the very steps of the national capitol, causing those inside to gaze furtively through its many windows in fear of what builds upon the streets of America.

That is true rebellion, that is true revolutionary tactics—and the cost isn’t forthwith as steep as Americans killing other Americans. I submit that our course must be as such. That we must restrain our an-gered rage, before it commits us onto the path of blood-letting and violence. For that must not be allowed to happen unless there is no other choice, until the choice is taken from us, and until the beast rises up in violence against humanity. Only then can we tread upon this path with God’s justification and mankind’s sympathies—for anything less than that would be anarchy that leads to our own doom.

Teach not angered retaliation to your children and their children—abstain from harboring mal-content hatred for a unjust system, when the unjustness lays upon the foreheads of those responsible for the beast’s awakening—for the beast’s appetite for power and wealth far re-moves itself from the eyes of God, and foolishly believes itself above God’s wrath and judg-ment.

Sharpen your wits as you would sharpen your battle knives. Razor sharp minds incorporated and united among the far-flung brethren of our cause will damage more than ten thousands knives in a single stroke. For the beast fears not our knives; yet it shuns and hides within its own hypocrisies against the rushing tide of disenfranchised angry voices.

Lest you forget; maintain your readiness both intrinsically and extrinsically. Keep company with those that have crossed the lines of illusionary propaganda to arise in defiance of the beast’s agenda. Shake hands upon the altar of kinship among the brethren that fly the flag of glory in the face of these adversities—for that is what the beast utterly fears and despises, thus make itself weak.

For who among us would be named less than a true patriot, if by action and singularity of mind—he so challenged the beast’s growing blood lust with not a clenched fist—but an open hand that points a shameful accusing finger–calling out the beast’s in its reproachful appe-tite; admonishing those tentacles that sought to appease their own greedy hunger at the cost of our enslavement and subjugation thereof. None; none upon the face of this earth can lay fault or blame at the feet of those that undertake to sheath their knives in the name of ad-dress and grievances, for that is the way the beast can be dismantled in its entirely without obliging the debt of blood inherent. Let us seek a remedy such as this, instead of killing the sons and daughters of America in order to propagate further political discord—for anything other than that feeds the sustenance of the beast, and nourishes its insatiable hunger ever-more. This we cannot more so allow.

Hold close to you heart the innocence of your youth, and clench your fist upon the hilt of your battle knives—but release them for the moment to ponder a world rife with the foul stench of blood spilled at our hands—a stench arising from the slaughtered children of our brethren and kinsmen.

In conclusion; I offer this as a means to an end. That the scales and balance of justice weigh our actions in the coming years. That our cause remain both vigilant and deliberate, and that our actions be honorable and steadfast in the face of this epic struggle for our national identity. I pray that our action exemplify those of America’s forefathers in their struggle against the beast arisen—and that our resul-tant struggles bequeath our children’s children a country basking in the light of democracy and freedom, and a nation of citizens that love their country and fear not their government as we do this day.

Franke Schein—Anchorage, Alaska