Slipping Through The Night


As many of you know I have been a survivalist for last 30+ years. Not only do I run my own survival group, But I help others establish their group, And teach them the lessons that I learned the hard way.

I’ve written books, and thousands of articles about survival, Sustainability, And the geopolitical climate affecting survivalism.

It is with much distress That I’m seeing the demise of survivalism, And the rapid assimilation of a war like movement Gearing up to do battle with the United States government and military.

It is very distressing to me because that is absolutely the WRONG WAY TO DO IT!

Let’s put things into perspective here:

If everybody bugs out, who will hold the line. Who will stand shoulder to shoulder with the next Pissed off Fed up patriot?

Why is it that the majority of survivalist that I see on Facebook Are 100% totally focused on Civil War, Instead of survivalism?

When some 27-year-old kid, With absolutely no military Training, Tells me that he’s a survivalist, But doesn’t have one week worth of food stockpiled, Yet can rattle off the nomenclature and operating procedure of nearly every assault weapon—Scares the shit out of me.

That’s not a survivalist in my book; He’s anarchist looking for a war, Or at least excuse to go to war…

The fact is real simple people: You all need to get your head out of your ass, And start thinking in terms of reality instead of this Hollywood bullshit I see going on.

I personally think that far too many survivalist Get caught up in the plethora of Fear Mongering And conspiracy Theories blasting across the Internet today.

Many of these website, And so called experts a really good at pushing buttons of fear, But yet when it comes to the solution, They want you to buy something from them. If it’s that damn important–share the knowledge without restriction.

Many of you have been my friends on here for years. You know where I stand Politically. That is an undeniable fact.

But I got to tell your friend, I’m really glad that you post links on Facebook pages Exposing some of the Nefarious events going on in the world, But what the hell are you going to do about.

Nothing that’s what!

I already know this for fact because the vast majority of Facebook user Are simply playing on the Internet, And to chickenshit to stand up for what they believed in.

Fact check: If I write something silly, stupid, or humorous, I get all kinds of likes. But on the other hand, If I write something anti-government, Or offer a solution that would require personal ambition-The piece that I wrote gets just a few likes.

That my friend tells me everything that I need to know. There are a few of you on here that I know have the same attitude that I do. My respect to you collectively, And individually.

But to the rest of you bugging out I have this much to say to you: Your food will run out.
Your wife will get tired of living in the woods.
You will not be alone out there.
You will not be sitting all around a campfire roasting marshmallows, And singing cumbyah.

You alone, without help, cannot go to war Against the military. I don’t give a damn if it’s America’s military or United Nations foreign troops. You will get your ass shot off!

The problem is this: What will be the trigger which sets you into motion?

How will you recognize the event trigger for what it means to you personally, And the rest of society?

Do you think that bugging out into the woods will solve the issue?

How long can you maintain your safety and security, Without coming back into the affected areas In order to resupply yourself?

Are you simply going to execute a one man suicide mission?

That’s where the bullshit factor comes into play…!!

You’re just bullshitting yourself and everyone else if you subscribed to this dumbass theory.

Given the current political climate flowing out there, I see things getting we worst every stinking day. It’s almost a certainty that Civil War will Explode in America unless there are some rapid policy changes occurring.

Firearms are essential to survivalism as freeze dried food. But neither mean diddly squat unless you have friends who have your back. By that I mean real friends, Not Facebook Friends!

If Civil War should erupt in America, Like we have witnessed in the Mideast countries, It will not be a pretty sight Or beautiful experience.
That is the reality factor!

How will you initiate your one man war?

I guess whom?

What targets will you strike?

How will you determine if your victorious?

How will you get the support of The indigenous population?

As I’ve said time and time again; How many of you are willing to die to make a fucking political statement!

When the men in Black blow through your front door in the middle of the night, And you resist–They will shoot your ass off just to make an example of you to scare the rest of us Into submission.

When the Feds Took down hutaree Of Michigan based purely upon contrived and manufactured Evidence, None of which held up in court–a large number of established militia groups, As well as Individual resistors, Immediately distanced Themselves Because they were too chicken shit to be outraged!

During Hurricane Katrina Where was the outrage When the feds and police departments were kicking in doors and illegally seizing firearms from law abiding citizens!

Who got rightly pissed off this year, when 150 Heavily armed federal officers swooped in during the night And descended on a Pennsylvania survivalist who made disparaging remarks against Obama on one of those stupid ass preppers shows!

When the murdering police thugs are violating someone’s rights, Or beating them to death, Why is it that most people will stand around and just videotape it—Instead of going and kicking some ass!

All of these are documented facts….

Survivalism and resistance Are two distinctly different animals. One does not go with the other.

Ask yourself this real simple question: While I am out there fighting the government, Who will take care of my family?

How will I resupply my ammunition?
From the enemies dead bodies you say… Better take the time to check the technology that they are using on personal and crew served weapons!

Remember that these military Units train for this shit every day. This is what they do for a living.

One man might take one or two of them down, But unless you have friends backing you up, You’re on a suicide mission.

Word: Helicopter gunship….!

Are you starting to get my point now? Forget all of that “Red Dawn” Bullshit you watched at the movies. Real life doesn’t work that way.

So what’s the answer to this dilemma?

You’ll know what to do, When to do it, How to do it, And with whom to do it with—When the time comes!

Stay tuned for more later…