Immigration: The Medical Pandemic in America

Immigration: The Medical Pandemic in America

By Franke Schein – February 4th 2015

Obamas Immigration Bomb

Obama’s immigration amnesty plan has devastated American schools with a plethora of communicable diseases. Measles, whopping cough, shingles, influenza, bacteriological viruses, and 48-hour bugs has been sweeping through school population like a run away train.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high fevers, and a host of other sicknesses are effecting schools around the country in record numbers. Yet the CDC remains quiet about this growing epidemic. Once again, our “trusted doctors” are toeing the political line to the rogue Obama regime, just like they did during the Ebola crisis.

The Obama administration and their lapdog CDC partners cannot be trusted to keep the public informed.

Survival: Protecting What’s Yours


The use of firearms when SHTF is probably one of the most talked-about issues on the internet these days. In many cases, firearms sometimes rank higher than food supplies in some circles.

The trend in survival firearms has taken a radical right turn; instead of defensive weapons, many have turned towards assault rifles, and offensive weapons. It’s not uncommon to see survivalists wearing tactical gear, Kevlar helmets, ballistic vest, and sporting an assortment of battle-ready guns with multiple magazines of ammunition.

The problem with that is; it doesn’t leave much room for survival gear. Heading out into the woods with tactical gear, and preparing for a gun battle is okay if that is your mindset. But the reality is that all of that gear won’t help you one bit—when faced with multiple opponents. On the contrary, it will only serve to make their job easier because it’s hard to run wearing all of that gear.

When I train newbies out in the field, the rule is only carry the things that you will actually need, and replace everything else with food supplies. Nothing is as important as food—nothing!

One of the things that I attempt to have people understand, is that even though firearms are an integral part of any survival plan, they should not be the entire plan.

No matter what the weapon of choice is; it is necessary to first become intimate with the weapon. That means spending a lot of time at the range, shooting at various distances, and shooting during weather extremes. It takes hundreds of hours to “Become One” with your weapon. But when the honeymoon is over, you’ve got something in your hands that is both familiar and might provide for an extra edge if you are ever forced to shoot somebody down.

It really doesn’t matter the make or model of the rifle, what matters is the weight, the maneuverability, and whether or not you can hit what you are aiming at in any survival or weather condition. One of my more favorite weapons is an old Soviet battle rifle: The Mosin-Nagant M1944 7.62x54R bolt action rifle. The rifle is sometimes referred to as a “Russian .308”; and that would be a close description.


[ Mosin-44 Out in The Alaska Back Country ]

The Mosin-44 is a trusted old rifle that is still being used today in many parts of the world. Here in Alaska, these old rifles are found in the hands of Eskimo hunters, and homesteaders alike. It’s reputation and durability makes this a rifle that has earned its place by the people that count on it for their day to day existence.

I’ve owned and fired tons of weapons throughout the years. Some weren’t worth a plugged nickel, while others were worth their weight in gold. One of my more favorite defensive weapon is a Diamond Back .380 caliber handgun. It’s small size makes it an ideal carry-weapon,. It certainly doesn’t pack the same punch as a .45 ACP, but again—it’s all a matter of getting to know your weapon, as well as your own capabilities. What is amazing for this small caliber cartridge, is the penetration factor. As a primary combat weapon it’s all but useless due to to lack of energy; but up-close-personal, this weapon will do what’s asked of it.


[ DB-380 Semi-Auto Handgun ]

Survivalists should consider firearms as yet another tool that gets the job done. Over-reliance on weapons is the one problem that should be avoided. To me personally; a rifle that I carry in the bush has to be suited for hunting and defensive situations. The standard that I apply to myself is that I carry one rifle, and one handgun; perhaps if the situation requires it, I may also hump a folding-stock shotgun. But in my own survival plans, everyone in my group is armed, and even if it’s just my family and I tromping around in the bush—we all carry weapons.


When SHTF; protecting the family and yourself, as well as protecting your stockpile will require firearms that are capable of doing the job with little or no frills. A basic pump shotgun, an assault rifle, or even a bolt action rifle will make life miserable for those individuals who foolishly believe that a “force of arms” will feed them.

I much prefer the heavy caliber weapons such as the belted-magnums. There is no doubt in my mind that a .375 H&H magnum will punch right through ballistic armor. Subsequently, the .454-Casull Magnum will certainly eat bullet-proof vests everyday of the week.

Additionally; in the hands of an experienced shooter, the bolt action .308 caliber rifle loaded with deadly Armor Piercing ammunition is a force of nature unto itself. A determined shooter can far exceed the range and killing power of assault rifle wielding assailants.

When it comes to self-defense in a survival situation, it’s important to understand that if you are doing things correctly; nobody out there should see you, hear, you, or realize that you are in the area. When things go south, and you find yourself confronted with armed thugs, your best option is to get away as quickly as possible. Breaking contact might not sound very “Macho”; but I guarantee that you will not feel so Macho when one of your kids, or your mate is laying dead on the ground.

WordPress Tags: Survival,SHTF,cases,food,trend,weapons,gear,Kevlar,assortment,ammunition,room,woods,mindset,weapon,Become,somebody,Soviet,Mosin,Nagant,action,Russian,description,Alaska,Back,Country,world,Here,Eskimo,reputation,existence,tons,Some,worth,gold,Diamond,caliber,handgun,size,cartridge,penetration,factor,energy,Semi,Auto,Survivalists,tool,Over,reliance,bush,situation,hump,plans,frills,life,individuals,armor,Casull,Magnum,bullet,shooter,nature,self,defense,area,option,Macho,kids,firearms,magazines,opponents,hunters,situations,assailants,thugs,ballistic,doesn’t,shotgun

Map picture


Casting Call: Survivalists Wanted

Casting Call For Survivalists

Casting Call For Survivalists

Major national television production is looking for Survivalists, Preppers, and individuals actively preparing for the 2012 End Of The World phenomenon. If chosen, you will be featured on a national syndicated television show that reaches millions of viewers.

If you are a survivalist; then this is your chance to help spread the message that emergency preparations
mean more than getting ready for 2012. It also means preparing for weather events, local and national crisis, as well as disasters that affect local economies.

Respond by sending email HERE:

( URL: )
Please include a brief bio, picture, and explain what you think may happen during the 2012 events, and what you are doing to get ready. This show will feature “A Day In The Life” kind of episode. It’s not about sensationalism–but rather about showing the true survivalists out there that are serious about survival planning.

Muslim Jihadists already in the United States

Photo: Internet

Muslim Jihadists already in the United States


Chicago, Illinois July 2nd Thursday 16:45Hrs:
Yochung Xian, a 32 year old Malaysian immigrant smiled as he removed his sunglasses. It had been a long ride on the L-Train from Mid-Town center.. Standing on the train’s platform, he shouldered his small red backpack and strode towards the steps leading up to Edmore street landing. Around him a throng of commuters pushed and shoved their way onto the stifling hot street.
He glanced around as he made his way south along the busy street. The sidewalk covered in chalked graffiti underneath his feet, he watched his reflection in the many glass storefront windows as he passed by them. Around him the pre-holiday crowds moving slowly, stopping here and there to survey the trinkets on sale.
The Edmore Street Shopping center was packed as customers prepared for the long three day weekend ahead. The tiny strip mall situated on Chicago’s south side served a diverse community, most of whom worked in nearby factories and warehouses.
Amid the crumbling basketball courts, rusted cars in back of dilapidated clapboard houses, and overflowing trash dumpsters typical of many Chicago’s inner city neighborhood’s, the smells of barbeque and festivities filled the air with a sense of excitement.
14 year old Joshua Temple dropped another quarter into the pinball machines slot. He’d already spent two dollars in quarters on this machine-he was sure that he would hit the Triple Eight bonus this time. The bonus giving him eight free games. His two best friends Shay and Will crowded around the sides of the machine cheering him on.
The throng of kids playing video games were drown out by the sounds of lasers, bombs, and music emanating from the dozens of game machines in the small non-descript game arcade. An arcade that attracted many, if not all, of the communities children. There was nothing else for them to do, other than attending school and playing in the streets. The Edmore Street Game Arcade was the focal point of the strip mall’s proprietors, a Korean family that called the neighborhood home.
Rachel Meadows, a retired 67 year old white haired school teacher made her way into the small shopping center. Pushing her cart through the store’s narrow isle, she took her time in selecting the goodies that she would need during the customary family cookout enjoyed by her family every year.
Yochung Xian stopped in front of the Edmore Street arcade, watching as the forty odd kids played amid the twinkling lights and garish music. He looked up at the overhead sign, and noticed with satisfaction that it read “We are all God’s children”, and stepped inside of the crowded video arcade.
The explosion hurled bricks and chunks of cement across the parking lot. A girls pink sneaker landed on a parked car fifty feet away. The thunder like boom of the suicide bomb echoing off the buildings across the street-shattering most of the windows in the many small businesses dotting the area.
Inside the ravaged strip mall, mangled and torn bodies lay in spreading pools of blood. The distorted limbless bodies sprawled outside in the parking lot reminiscent of scenes occurring in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The sheer violence of the attack  and the abrupt slaughter of the people inside the strip mall a testament to the heinous planning and disregard for human life.
Amid the blaring car alarms and screams of the injured, there was little left of the Edmore Street Game Arcade. The roof had collapsed, crushing those inside. Jagged pieces of glass hurled by the horrific explosion had become missiles, slicing through those unlucky enough to have been standing outside of the arcade. Scores of holiday shoppers lay mangled on the sidewalk and in the parking lot. Thick black smoke rushed upwards filling the clear summer sky, as crackling flames leapt out of the arcade’s destroyed roof.
Across town at the Highland Platform, another L-Train packed with commuters screeched to a stop, its electronic doors opening. As the crowd swarmed into and out of the packed commuter train, a huge fireball mushroomed from inside the train’s center car. Jagged bits of glass and steel scythed through the unaware passengers. The train lifting several inches off the ground-disconnecting it from the others, and toppling ionto the already injured lying on the platform’s concrete walkway.
Read the full article [ HERE ]

Islam the death of America

Hamza Yusuf Hanson-Radical Anti-American Muslim

Islam will never integrate itself into American culture. The only way that Islam can grow, is to take over America from within.
The British allowed Muslims a voice in their government-and now there are 85 Sharia “kangaroo” courts doling out a 5th century brand of justice to British Muslims. Honor killings are on the rise, violent jihadists protest on England’s street, police services are unable to quell angry violent Muslims rampaging throughout their cities, and ordinary British citizen are imprisoned within their own neighborhoods.
Islamic University prepares to open in Berkeley, California next fall.  Zaytuna College will be the first accredited Muslim college in the United States.
“The college has been hailed as a victory for moderate Islam, a place to promote religious understanding by “blending traditional Islam and American culture and establishing a permanent place for the religion in American society,”

Teenager flees possible Islamic honor killing

Muslim Dad Honor Killing In Arizona

Mariwan Halabjaee – Voice of America editorial

Muslim Girl Age 12 Fears For Her Life From Husband

NINE YEARS OLD! Look at the burn marks on her hands. THIS IS A RELIGION…?