Cold Weather Survival


Being afraid of extreme cold weather is a natural thing. Most people have the tendency to stay indoors next to the wood burning stove when the temperatures dip into the sub-zero ranges. But, some of us enjoy the challenges of facing the extremes—a Man against Nature challenge. Most people think that I’m nuts when they hear that I’m heading 150 miles into the Northern interior of Alaska. Sometimes I believe them too…
Nonetheless; being out there in the thick of winter is both a way to test my gear, and myself. It allows me the quiet time that I need to recharge myself, and the opportunity to get my survival mind-set used to the frigid weather.
But it starts at home through meticulous selection of the gear that I will be trusting to keep me safe…

Base Layer:

  • Fleece (Stretch) Union Suit
  • Polypropylene Socks
  • Thermax Sock Liner
  • Polypropylene T-Shirt

Mid Layer:

  • Wool Pants
  • Wool Pull-Over Sweater
  • Polar-Tec Insulated Jacket

Outer Layer:

  • Gortex Parka
  • Gortex Gaiters
  • Gortex Gloves
  • Fleece Face Mask
  • Fleece Watch Cap
  • Snow Goggles
  • Cold Weather (Bunny) Boots
The list above includes everything that I wear. It looks like a lot of clothing, but in reality, it is three layers that help to trap body heat, and keep the cold wind, as well as the wet snow from the “creeping chill” that signals the start of hypothermia.
Choosing my gear is very important. If my life will depend on a piece of equipment, or clothing, you can be assured that a lot of thought has went into it, before I lay down my money. The Parka is one such piece of gear that is essential. I don’t play around when choosing what Cold Weather Parka.
  • Snag proof Zippers
  • Multiple Inner-Pockets
  • Multiple Outer Pocket
  • Draw String Waist
  • Snow Skirt
  • Adjustable Collar That Reaches To The Nose
  • Fur Trimmed Hood
  • Nylon Sleeve Skirt: (Keeps the snow and wind off the wrists)
  • Waterproof (Not Water Resistant)
  • Armpit Venting Zippers
The multiple inner-pocket hold the survival gear that I consider essential out in the cold weather.
Extra Insulated Socks are layered in both (large) lower pockets. Having them rolled-up creates unwanted bulk, so I keep one sock in each pocket. It reduced the bulk; most times it’s easy to forget about them until they are needed.
Extra Cell-Phone Battery is stored in one of the upper zippered pockets. The battery is wrapped in wool, and then placed inside of a small zip-lock bag. The wool helps to protect the connections from snapping, and in a pinch, the wool can also be used as an emergency fire starter. The zip-lock bag can be used to melt snow for water.
A Mini-Flashlight is kept in another chest pocket. During the Alaska winter months there isn’t much daylight. The sun rises about 10:30 AM, and stats setting around 3:30 PM. By 4:30 it is already dark. Having a flashlight handy is a blessing.
Disposable Lighter & Waterproof Matches are likewise stored in a zip-lock bag inside of the Parka.
In one of the upper-pockets an Emergency Blanket rides along in case I am forced to hunker-down and get warm. I carry both the standard blanket, and the Emergency Space Bag. Both are essential survival gear that I don’t want to get separated from.
Zipper-Pull Mini-Compass and Temperature Gauge complete the ensemble. Sometimes it’s beneficial to know what the temperature is, and during darkness or white-out conditions, the little compass might help to determine travel direction. But, during a blizzard, hunkering-down is the only way to survive. It’s easy to get lost out there, or walk right off the edge of a cliff, or stumble into an ice filled stream.
A small Water Bottle that is kept half-filled rides near my chest. Keeping it half-filled insures that in the event that I fall down, the water bottle isn’t crushed, and end’s up exploding inside of the parka. Keeping it next to my chest insures that it doesn’t freeze.
A pair of Extra Gloves are not only an essential item, but a part of the survival gear. Gloves get wet, or ripped open on sharp ice. Having a spare set of gloves insures that my time out in the woods is uneventful.
Oftentimes a few granola bars, and chocolate bars are stashed away in the pockets for added energy during the arduous trek across the frozen landscape.
Peppermint candies gives a little energy boost. A few soft tissues will help to defray the “runny nose” problems that are associated with cold weather. Soft Berber Fleece works really good, as does pieces of Marino Wool from worn out clothing.
Having quality Cold Weather Boots is paramount to survival out there in the snow country. I prefer the military “Bunny” boots. They are rated to –60 below zero. Topped-off with a set of gortex gaiters to keep the snow out from the top of the boots—keeps my feet in good condition.
Tinted Snow Goggles are also a must out there. The sun reflecting off of the snow can quickly create conditions called “snow blindness”. Blowing snow, or ice-fog are likewise deflected by the goggles.

Basic Survival Equipment:

  • Rucksack/Backpack
  • Cold Weather Sleeping Bag
  • Gortex Bivy Cover
  • Sleeping (Ground) Pad
  • Folding Stove w/ Heat Tabs
  • Canteen Cup
  • Arctic Canteen, w/ Carrier
  • Eating Utensils
  • Ka-Bar Knife
  • Sharpening Steel
  • Leatherman Multi-Tool
  • Toilet Paper
  • Fire Making Kit
  • Parachute Cord
  • 8′ x 8′ Canvas Tarp
  • Chemical Lights
  • Chemical Heat Packs
  • 3-Piece Mess Kit
  • Individual First Aid Kit
  • Lensatic Compass
  • Waterproof Map Case
  • Lip Balm
  • Complete Change of Clothing
  • Small Thermos Bottle
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Poncho

The one thing that I always try to keep in mind when I am out there, is that weight can be the enemy. Humping around a heavy backpack means that walking in the snow requires more effort. Minimal gear which fulfills the requirements for cold weather survival is the only way to go. The added space in the backpack is filled with extra food.

Food Supplies:

  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Instant Coffee
  • Instant Soup
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Tea Bags
  • Raisins
  • Dried Pineapples
  • M&M (Crushed) Candies and mixed with Brown Sugar
  • Emergen-C Vitamin Drink
  • Sugar Packs
  • Non-Dairy Creamer Packs
  • Salt Packs
  • Pepper Packs
  • Mountain House Freeze Dried Scrambled Eggs & Peppers
  • Mountain House Freeze Dried Chili Mac
  • Mountain House Freeze Dried Beef Stroganoff
  • MRE Wheat Bread
  • MRE Crackers
  • MRE Peanut Butter
  • MRE Jelly

Emergency Gear:

  • SPOT-Satellite “Messenger”
  • Arial Signaling Flares
  • Signaling Whistle
  • Orange Signaling Smoke Markers
  • Fluorescent Orange Marker Panel

When I am “just playing” out in the woods; there’s always a chance that I could get myself into serious trouble. Being alone out there when the temperatures are 30-50 degrees below zero, can mean death if a broken ankle, or deep laceration occurs. Having and extra cell-phone battery is alright as long as there is a signal, but most times there isn’t a tower nearby. The SPOT Satellite device works wonders. It’s easy to summon assistance. But once the search and rescue airplanes are overhead, you have to help them find you. Orange panels, smoke bombs, and signal flares will make it easier for SAR to get to you. All of these items can be wrapped inside of an old Blaze Orange hunting vest, and then secured with rubber bands.



A Message To Young Patriots

Greeting From A Fellow Patriot,

Throughout my existence, it has always been uppermost within the furthest reaches of my mind that certain civil liberties were endeavored to be trampled upon by seditionists within the fabric of Ameri-can society. A group of individuals and corporate entities that covertly sought to dismantle the foundation of all that this nation was built upon. To trample upon the sacred constitution that which laid waste and bare the lives of so many of our brethren, to wit the sacrifice of those that gave their everything and all—to a cause much greater than themselves.

From the Lexington Green to our present battles in the Mideast territories, patriots of America entered into harms way with unparallel thought of self; yet unselfishly giving all that they espouse upon their own declaration of freedom against imperial adventurism at the hand of totalitarians that seek to bring down this nation and its way of life.

Our lives have been untouched for over 200 years, insofar as would be categorized as internal strife and revolutionary acts of guerilla warfare. Yet, there exists within this great reclamation of our con-stitutional rights, a certain rogue ideology that further enumerates that warfare is required in order to secure and solidify the principals upon the United States Constitution. An exodus from the realties that brought Americans out from under the yoke and leash of British imperial servitude. A journey into the violence filled world of war within our own borders—Americans against Americans.

I submit that revolution is both a right, and a sacred duty to every American that resides within our borders. Consequently I submit that a revolution would change the face of America and it’s zealous political agenda—but at a steep cost that far exceeds what America’s forefathers could have envisioned during their struggles. I submit that our society, our world, and our country has evolved from those days of muskets and bayonet charges, into a militaristic society that embarks upon wholesale destruction of life without pause or regard for the long-term ramifications thereof. Our nation’s moth-ers have wept and despaired for far to long upon this revolutionary principal.

With utter dismay I have witnessed the obsessive nature of a giant beast arising from the snake pit in our nation’s capitol. A pit of vipers brandishing forked-tongues that deceive the populace with their charm and pompous polished ideologies. This awakening beast feeds upon it’s own unchecked growth, hoping to claim as it’s own, the very lives and souls of its countrymen. But absent from the moral-istic fiber that so intertwines the society of America. Instead, this beast reaches out with it’s many tentacles to wrap itself among the lives of those it swore to serve and protect, and failing to do so, em-barks upon a devious glorification of itself, and seeks to shield and insulated itself from the wrath of those that are cognizant of it’s miserable failings.

I have stood on the sidelines for a great portion of my adult life, watching across the vast horizons for a sign that would bring this epic struggle onto my doorway. At times I would learn or recognize that certain events could be the precursor of that which many so feared, and others desired. The second revolution that topples the pretentious undermining vermin working against America’s founding prin-cipals.

I hear the rumblings of discontent from all walks of life, from nearly every sector, and all speak the same language of distain and malice against the beast arisen. Even then, there are many within, that actively seek to justify a war by weakening the beast through a persisted attack against the system so despised by so many. A war that they claim is both justified and victory capable within our grasp—that we must be the propagators that fire the first angry shot—thereby creating the perfect conditions conducive to further propagation that ushers in a second revolutionary war.

My friends and patriots—that is not the way, at the present time. Do not clamor for war—for the price might very well be your own children and kin’s blood that you offer. Say nothing of your own blood and lives; for a blood debt will be owed by all that tread too quickly and foolishly into this foray. Now is not the time for revolutionary acts that pit each against the other. The time for that must not be on our hands, nor will it be upon our blood. Leave that blood debt to the cronies of the beast—let them taste their own blood first.

A new war must be undertaken—a new methodology that battles from within the beast usurper. We must tear off the mask of anonymity from those hide from our wrath and piety. No more can these petty administrators be allowed to seek or hold elected positions within our political machine. They must be purged as a bad rash must be purged from an infants derriere. These socialist insects must be identified and brought into the light of public opinion—then banished from public servitude forever. America needs not another war, for we have always been at war throughout our history, as our cemeteries will so attest. We must first fight this coming battle with our political weapons—our combined and unified voices that thunder and echo across the plains of America.

Voices that shake the very steps of the national capitol, causing those inside to gaze furtively through its many windows in fear of what builds upon the streets of America.

That is true rebellion, that is true revolutionary tactics—and the cost isn’t forthwith as steep as Americans killing other Americans. I submit that our course must be as such. That we must restrain our an-gered rage, before it commits us onto the path of blood-letting and violence. For that must not be allowed to happen unless there is no other choice, until the choice is taken from us, and until the beast rises up in violence against humanity. Only then can we tread upon this path with God’s justification and mankind’s sympathies—for anything less than that would be anarchy that leads to our own doom.

Teach not angered retaliation to your children and their children—abstain from harboring mal-content hatred for a unjust system, when the unjustness lays upon the foreheads of those responsible for the beast’s awakening—for the beast’s appetite for power and wealth far re-moves itself from the eyes of God, and foolishly believes itself above God’s wrath and judg-ment.

Sharpen your wits as you would sharpen your battle knives. Razor sharp minds incorporated and united among the far-flung brethren of our cause will damage more than ten thousands knives in a single stroke. For the beast fears not our knives; yet it shuns and hides within its own hypocrisies against the rushing tide of disenfranchised angry voices.

Lest you forget; maintain your readiness both intrinsically and extrinsically. Keep company with those that have crossed the lines of illusionary propaganda to arise in defiance of the beast’s agenda. Shake hands upon the altar of kinship among the brethren that fly the flag of glory in the face of these adversities—for that is what the beast utterly fears and despises, thus make itself weak.

For who among us would be named less than a true patriot, if by action and singularity of mind—he so challenged the beast’s growing blood lust with not a clenched fist—but an open hand that points a shameful accusing finger–calling out the beast’s in its reproachful appe-tite; admonishing those tentacles that sought to appease their own greedy hunger at the cost of our enslavement and subjugation thereof. None; none upon the face of this earth can lay fault or blame at the feet of those that undertake to sheath their knives in the name of ad-dress and grievances, for that is the way the beast can be dismantled in its entirely without obliging the debt of blood inherent. Let us seek a remedy such as this, instead of killing the sons and daughters of America in order to propagate further political discord—for anything other than that feeds the sustenance of the beast, and nourishes its insatiable hunger ever-more. This we cannot more so allow.

Hold close to you heart the innocence of your youth, and clench your fist upon the hilt of your battle knives—but release them for the moment to ponder a world rife with the foul stench of blood spilled at our hands—a stench arising from the slaughtered children of our brethren and kinsmen.

In conclusion; I offer this as a means to an end. That the scales and balance of justice weigh our actions in the coming years. That our cause remain both vigilant and deliberate, and that our actions be honorable and steadfast in the face of this epic struggle for our national identity. I pray that our action exemplify those of America’s forefathers in their struggle against the beast arisen—and that our resul-tant struggles bequeath our children’s children a country basking in the light of democracy and freedom, and a nation of citizens that love their country and fear not their government as we do this day.

Franke Schein—Anchorage, Alaska


Muslim Jihadists already in the United States

Photo: Internet

Muslim Jihadists already in the United States


Chicago, Illinois July 2nd Thursday 16:45Hrs:
Yochung Xian, a 32 year old Malaysian immigrant smiled as he removed his sunglasses. It had been a long ride on the L-Train from Mid-Town center.. Standing on the train’s platform, he shouldered his small red backpack and strode towards the steps leading up to Edmore street landing. Around him a throng of commuters pushed and shoved their way onto the stifling hot street.
He glanced around as he made his way south along the busy street. The sidewalk covered in chalked graffiti underneath his feet, he watched his reflection in the many glass storefront windows as he passed by them. Around him the pre-holiday crowds moving slowly, stopping here and there to survey the trinkets on sale.
The Edmore Street Shopping center was packed as customers prepared for the long three day weekend ahead. The tiny strip mall situated on Chicago’s south side served a diverse community, most of whom worked in nearby factories and warehouses.
Amid the crumbling basketball courts, rusted cars in back of dilapidated clapboard houses, and overflowing trash dumpsters typical of many Chicago’s inner city neighborhood’s, the smells of barbeque and festivities filled the air with a sense of excitement.
14 year old Joshua Temple dropped another quarter into the pinball machines slot. He’d already spent two dollars in quarters on this machine-he was sure that he would hit the Triple Eight bonus this time. The bonus giving him eight free games. His two best friends Shay and Will crowded around the sides of the machine cheering him on.
The throng of kids playing video games were drown out by the sounds of lasers, bombs, and music emanating from the dozens of game machines in the small non-descript game arcade. An arcade that attracted many, if not all, of the communities children. There was nothing else for them to do, other than attending school and playing in the streets. The Edmore Street Game Arcade was the focal point of the strip mall’s proprietors, a Korean family that called the neighborhood home.
Rachel Meadows, a retired 67 year old white haired school teacher made her way into the small shopping center. Pushing her cart through the store’s narrow isle, she took her time in selecting the goodies that she would need during the customary family cookout enjoyed by her family every year.
Yochung Xian stopped in front of the Edmore Street arcade, watching as the forty odd kids played amid the twinkling lights and garish music. He looked up at the overhead sign, and noticed with satisfaction that it read “We are all God’s children”, and stepped inside of the crowded video arcade.
The explosion hurled bricks and chunks of cement across the parking lot. A girls pink sneaker landed on a parked car fifty feet away. The thunder like boom of the suicide bomb echoing off the buildings across the street-shattering most of the windows in the many small businesses dotting the area.
Inside the ravaged strip mall, mangled and torn bodies lay in spreading pools of blood. The distorted limbless bodies sprawled outside in the parking lot reminiscent of scenes occurring in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The sheer violence of the attack  and the abrupt slaughter of the people inside the strip mall a testament to the heinous planning and disregard for human life.
Amid the blaring car alarms and screams of the injured, there was little left of the Edmore Street Game Arcade. The roof had collapsed, crushing those inside. Jagged pieces of glass hurled by the horrific explosion had become missiles, slicing through those unlucky enough to have been standing outside of the arcade. Scores of holiday shoppers lay mangled on the sidewalk and in the parking lot. Thick black smoke rushed upwards filling the clear summer sky, as crackling flames leapt out of the arcade’s destroyed roof.
Across town at the Highland Platform, another L-Train packed with commuters screeched to a stop, its electronic doors opening. As the crowd swarmed into and out of the packed commuter train, a huge fireball mushroomed from inside the train’s center car. Jagged bits of glass and steel scythed through the unaware passengers. The train lifting several inches off the ground-disconnecting it from the others, and toppling ionto the already injured lying on the platform’s concrete walkway.
Read the full article [ HERE ]

Islam the death of America

Hamza Yusuf Hanson-Radical Anti-American Muslim

Islam will never integrate itself into American culture. The only way that Islam can grow, is to take over America from within.
The British allowed Muslims a voice in their government-and now there are 85 Sharia “kangaroo” courts doling out a 5th century brand of justice to British Muslims. Honor killings are on the rise, violent jihadists protest on England’s street, police services are unable to quell angry violent Muslims rampaging throughout their cities, and ordinary British citizen are imprisoned within their own neighborhoods.
Islamic University prepares to open in Berkeley, California next fall.  Zaytuna College will be the first accredited Muslim college in the United States.
“The college has been hailed as a victory for moderate Islam, a place to promote religious understanding by “blending traditional Islam and American culture and establishing a permanent place for the religion in American society,”

Teenager flees possible Islamic honor killing

Muslim Dad Honor Killing In Arizona

Mariwan Halabjaee – Voice of America editorial

Muslim Girl Age 12 Fears For Her Life From Husband

NINE YEARS OLD! Look at the burn marks on her hands. THIS IS A RELIGION…?

Sarha Said’s last words to 9-1-1 Operator

Sarah Said Autopsy Report-Video

The “Monster” called her father-shot her nine times, and then killed Sarah’s little sister. I wish that I could be there when this guy is dropped from a long rope off a very tall bridge. i want this bastard to feel some pain on his way to hell.