BY: Franke Schein

October, 23, 2011



I am glad to see that our troops are finally going home. It’s about time that America concluded the business of bringing democracy to that nation. Though I fully understand the necessities of waging this war, the costs for Americans has been extremely high. 


I wonder what will happen to the country after America departs. Will it revert back to the state of affairs that it’s former rulers had shaped, or will it get even worse considering the proximity of Iraq to other countries such as Iran.


I see nothing but trouble ahead for that particular region. It won’t be long before another Jihadist sect seizes power and becomes yet another enemy of the Western Nations. I suppose that our future will have us once again with American boots on those deserts.



I read with horror the words spoken by Karzai would back-up Pakistan in the event the US would take military actions against the leadership of Pakistan’s rogue military junta. Considering that it was the US State Department who brought this idiot into power; I find it detestable that he’s quickly forgotten which side his bread is buttered on.



After eight months of war, and billions of dollars spent by the US and other NATO nations, the despotic ruler Moammar Gadhafi finally faced the same fate as so many other tyrannical dictators have faced throughout history. A bullet to the braincase…


Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the interim commander of the NTC has declared that Libya would be ruled under the iron fist of Sharia Law. Well Hell’s-Bell’s–who didn’t see that one coming. Unless of course you are a politician trying to play both sides from the middle.


Gadhafi had it coming when he actively participated in the 1972 Munich Massacre, as well as all of the support that he sponsored throughout the years towards terrorist groups.  But the question to ask today; “Is the world better off with yet another Islamic country, whose political/religious doctrine advocates the harsh rule of pre-2011 Afghanistan?” Let’s not forget that Afghanistan Sharia Law was the most detestable and barbaric  form of governance on the face of the earth. Seconded only by North Korea’s totalitarian iron-fist rule.



Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: every time I turn on the news, or cruise the internet, there is the “blooming idiot” of Iran threatening America and Israel again. His crap is really getting old. My thoughts are that somebody needs to stuff a huge spoon of “American Made Peanut Butter” into his foul lying mouth–perhaps by the way of a Tomahawk cruise missile. I certainly don’t want to see America engaged in yet another mid-east war, but at some point this fool has got to be put down like a rabid dog.


Iran has been at the forefront of terrorist acts, they’ve sent special forces teams into Iraq to kill American troops, and they are actively seeking the destruction of Israel and the west through nuclear weapons. Geez–lets hire some locals and “OFF DA BASTARD” before he makes good on his evil plans.



What a freaking waste of energy!


They say that if you really want to know something about a company, or movement–just follow the money… Yep, The Money is Dirty!


When I hear words like: Collective, Division Of Wealth, Class Structure; and other like phrases–one single word comes to mind: Communist.


I fail to understand how destroying America’s financial system would make anything better for me, or anyone else that I know. Though I agree with some of the ideas that are being presented, using economic terrorism isn’t the way to accomplish that goal.


So I ask myself these very simple questions:

#1: If Wall Street went south–where would that leave America?


#2 How do I benefit from all of this?


#3 Who really benefits from all of this?


answer those three questions for yourself, and I think that perhaps you will understand how stupid these protests really are.


The problem can be further exacerbated by one single act of violence. Image what would happen if some nutcase decides to thrown one Molotov Cocktail at the police forces? Things will quickly get out of hand, and get real ugly in a hurry. Will American Law Enforcement fire real bullets at their countrymen?  Now that is the REAL QUESTION of the day…


Muslim Jihadists already in the United States

Photo: Internet

Muslim Jihadists already in the United States


Chicago, Illinois July 2nd Thursday 16:45Hrs:
Yochung Xian, a 32 year old Malaysian immigrant smiled as he removed his sunglasses. It had been a long ride on the L-Train from Mid-Town center.. Standing on the train’s platform, he shouldered his small red backpack and strode towards the steps leading up to Edmore street landing. Around him a throng of commuters pushed and shoved their way onto the stifling hot street.
He glanced around as he made his way south along the busy street. The sidewalk covered in chalked graffiti underneath his feet, he watched his reflection in the many glass storefront windows as he passed by them. Around him the pre-holiday crowds moving slowly, stopping here and there to survey the trinkets on sale.
The Edmore Street Shopping center was packed as customers prepared for the long three day weekend ahead. The tiny strip mall situated on Chicago’s south side served a diverse community, most of whom worked in nearby factories and warehouses.
Amid the crumbling basketball courts, rusted cars in back of dilapidated clapboard houses, and overflowing trash dumpsters typical of many Chicago’s inner city neighborhood’s, the smells of barbeque and festivities filled the air with a sense of excitement.
14 year old Joshua Temple dropped another quarter into the pinball machines slot. He’d already spent two dollars in quarters on this machine-he was sure that he would hit the Triple Eight bonus this time. The bonus giving him eight free games. His two best friends Shay and Will crowded around the sides of the machine cheering him on.
The throng of kids playing video games were drown out by the sounds of lasers, bombs, and music emanating from the dozens of game machines in the small non-descript game arcade. An arcade that attracted many, if not all, of the communities children. There was nothing else for them to do, other than attending school and playing in the streets. The Edmore Street Game Arcade was the focal point of the strip mall’s proprietors, a Korean family that called the neighborhood home.
Rachel Meadows, a retired 67 year old white haired school teacher made her way into the small shopping center. Pushing her cart through the store’s narrow isle, she took her time in selecting the goodies that she would need during the customary family cookout enjoyed by her family every year.
Yochung Xian stopped in front of the Edmore Street arcade, watching as the forty odd kids played amid the twinkling lights and garish music. He looked up at the overhead sign, and noticed with satisfaction that it read “We are all God’s children”, and stepped inside of the crowded video arcade.
The explosion hurled bricks and chunks of cement across the parking lot. A girls pink sneaker landed on a parked car fifty feet away. The thunder like boom of the suicide bomb echoing off the buildings across the street-shattering most of the windows in the many small businesses dotting the area.
Inside the ravaged strip mall, mangled and torn bodies lay in spreading pools of blood. The distorted limbless bodies sprawled outside in the parking lot reminiscent of scenes occurring in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The sheer violence of the attack  and the abrupt slaughter of the people inside the strip mall a testament to the heinous planning and disregard for human life.
Amid the blaring car alarms and screams of the injured, there was little left of the Edmore Street Game Arcade. The roof had collapsed, crushing those inside. Jagged pieces of glass hurled by the horrific explosion had become missiles, slicing through those unlucky enough to have been standing outside of the arcade. Scores of holiday shoppers lay mangled on the sidewalk and in the parking lot. Thick black smoke rushed upwards filling the clear summer sky, as crackling flames leapt out of the arcade’s destroyed roof.
Across town at the Highland Platform, another L-Train packed with commuters screeched to a stop, its electronic doors opening. As the crowd swarmed into and out of the packed commuter train, a huge fireball mushroomed from inside the train’s center car. Jagged bits of glass and steel scythed through the unaware passengers. The train lifting several inches off the ground-disconnecting it from the others, and toppling ionto the already injured lying on the platform’s concrete walkway.
Read the full article [ HERE ]

Islam the death of America

Hamza Yusuf Hanson-Radical Anti-American Muslim

Islam will never integrate itself into American culture. The only way that Islam can grow, is to take over America from within.
The British allowed Muslims a voice in their government-and now there are 85 Sharia “kangaroo” courts doling out a 5th century brand of justice to British Muslims. Honor killings are on the rise, violent jihadists protest on England’s street, police services are unable to quell angry violent Muslims rampaging throughout their cities, and ordinary British citizen are imprisoned within their own neighborhoods.
Islamic University prepares to open in Berkeley, California next fall.  Zaytuna College will be the first accredited Muslim college in the United States.
“The college has been hailed as a victory for moderate Islam, a place to promote religious understanding by “blending traditional Islam and American culture and establishing a permanent place for the religion in American society,”

Teenager flees possible Islamic honor killing

Muslim Dad Honor Killing In Arizona

Mariwan Halabjaee – Voice of America editorial

Muslim Girl Age 12 Fears For Her Life From Husband

NINE YEARS OLD! Look at the burn marks on her hands. THIS IS A RELIGION…?

Sarha Said’s last words to 9-1-1 Operator

Sarah Said Autopsy Report-Video

The “Monster” called her father-shot her nine times, and then killed Sarah’s little sister. I wish that I could be there when this guy is dropped from a long rope off a very tall bridge. i want this bastard to feel some pain on his way to hell.